Oh, Deadlines

There is nothing quite so motivating as a deadline.  I’m down to under 2,000 words to meet my Camp NaNoWriMo for April, 2019, which – bonus – I probably wouldn’t be this far into my next book had I not joined up to do a camp NaNo.  But sometimes you write and write and write, and can only get so far.

There’s a fine line when it comes to writing; are you telling a story, or are you just putting words on a page.  Sometimes it’s okay to put words on a page, as long as you can edit it to a coherent story later on.  And sometimes working with deadlines does make you feel like you’re just putting words on a page.  I didn’t feel that when I’d first gotten into this Camp NaNo event, but I indeed have the last couple of days.

The good thing is, I’m following my plotlines as I’ve laid them out, so at least it seems to be working for me.  And I’ll more than likely get those last 2,000 words in before midnight tonight and beat that deadline.  But even if I don’t, it’s not the end of the world.  It’s making progress on something I love.

My original deadlines for writing were a lot more arbitrary than the ones I have now.  Before, I said I wanted to finish one book in the first quarter of 2019, and then finish this book that I’m currently writing in the second quarter.  Good, noble goals.  But the fact that there was no external element to the first set of goals, but there was for the second (e.g. Camp NaNo) made all the difference for me.

So here’s to goals and deadlines.  They get us to where we want to go – sometimes.

I think the best representation of how I sometimes feel about deadlines was said eloquently by the late, great Douglas Adams:

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. -Douglas Adams

Oh my

So I am on Twitter talking to other authors about websites, and – ding ding ding!  I realize that I haven’t posted anything on here in nine months.  That’s long enough to conceive a baby, bring it to term, have it, and contemplate the next eighteen years as a caregiver to a child I didn’t know I had until the start of this blog post.  Yeesh.

Not that Boo and I are capable of having children, what both being dudes and all.  But I digress.

Things have been going slow on the writing front for the last few months, as evidenced by the fact that I haven’t published anything since Migration: Beginnings was re-published in the Summer of 2018.  Thing is, I have so many ideas, that I told someone who is helping me with getting my professional head on straight, that it’s almost like overload paralysis.

But I’m making progress.

I was supposed to be writing the prequel and first book of the romance series that I’m writing with my coauthor Lisa (who wrote ‘A Million Miles Amok’ with me).  But the bug to work on a new Migration book has really captured me.  So that, plus the fact that I’m taking part in CampNanoWrimo with my friend Nazri, means I’m working on that series.  I hope to get the sequel finished by the end of June, and I should be able to make it.  I’m nearly 20,000 words in, and have everything plotted.  It’s just that I throw my own roadblocks up from time to time with how I think the story should go.  Oh well, more time to work out the details with Shavonne (seriously, she’s a great sounding board and instigator of wonderful ideas.  Here’s her website if you’re interested!).

Still have a couple of hours to go on today’s Migration chapter, so back to it.  Catch you all on Twitter!