So THAT Happened

So much has gone on, and I have been really bad at updating the blog here.  But things are still going on – and a lot of them are good!  And we need good news these days.

I’m happy to announce that the first book in the Hart’s Square romance series, Foundations of Love, has been published!  It’s out there on the interwebs.  Even better, it’s FREE!  Yes!  All it’ll cost you is maybe a couple cups of tea or coffee and maybe a nice scone or cinnamon roll as you pick up your tablet, pull up the book, and then spend a couple hours with Keelan and Peter as they work through their baggage and figure out what they mean to one another.

Want it?  You can find it right here at StoryOrigins

If you’re interested, pop over and grab it. And I should say that there will also be an audiobook version, though, sadly, that one won’t be free.  But we’ll probably get some promo codes if you want one!

Foundations of Love is a prequel to the Hart’s Square series of books.  The first book in the series will be published within just a few weeks, and the second book is being written right now.  Matter of fact, I’m actually supposed to be writing it right now, but instead, I’m doing this.

I really hope you like not only this book, but all of the books to come!  We’ve got a lot in store.