Migration: Beginnings Is Here! Kindof…

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My long, long wait to see this book available to the public is almost here – mostly.  So while Migration: Beginnings is going to debut on November 15th, 2016 in Kindle (electronic) format, I wanted to put together a print version as well.  There are still people out there that prefer to have their books in printed form, so they can hold on to it.  I know there are many books in my collection that I started out with electronic form, but bought the paperback version because I felt like I needed to have it.  Sometimes you just connect with a book and need that.

I put together and approved a paperback version on Amazon’s “CreateSpace.com”, which is a pretty cool site.  After getting the paperback copies, I made a slight change here and there, and then approved it to be published.  Only thing is, when CreateSpace gets the greenlight for approval, they do so immediately.  There’s no way to pause it or put it on pre-order.  Once you say it’s live, it’s live, and there’s no way to change it.

So if you were waiting for a printed copy of Migration: Beginnings, your wait is up!  You can head over to Amazon.com and search for it, click on the paperback version, and order away.  The Kindle version will be here in 21 days!

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