AI Use

This is not as much about me or AI but more a comment on current situations.  Like everyone, I get a ton of spam.  And like most writers out there, I consider AI-generated content to be complete and utter bullshit.  What is AI good for?  It’s good for doing medical research.  It’s great for looking at X-rays and detecting breast cancer.  It’s even good for spotting trends and giving people options for moving forward.

But it’s NOT suitable for writing.  Not in the sense that 90% of people believe.  Why?  Because true writing is a work of passion, and computers don’t have passion.  If you use AI to write something for you, you’re going to end up with bland, generic, pasty-ass mediocre bullshit.

This morning, I got a spam message that came from my own domain name ( – except it looked a little off.  And that’s when I noticed it wasn’t a .com, but a .ai extension.  So I looked it up, and apparently, there’s a new AI writing service that has a domain that is nearly identical to my own, and it’s there to help people use AI for writing so that it’s “undetectable” as AI.

Let me be clear: you can use AI for many things.  You can even use it as a sounding board to listen to your ideas and get feedback.  But in the end, only an author can actually put pen to paper or fill out a blank page with a soul-filled manuscript.  Everyone can see if you use AI to do the actual writing.  Maybe not at first, but AI-generated works lack the empathetic, heart-filled words that humans can only create.

I don’t wish that similarly-named AI website harm.  But at the same time, I don’t wish them success, either.  They’re the problem with what’s happening in today’s writing world.