So much to do!

Occasionally I get into conversations with other writes – those in professional writing, as well as in fandom (because yes, I am still involved not just in professional writing, but in fandom writing as well), and the conversation usually involves things like, “So what are you writing?”

Boy, that’s a loaded question.  It’s like asking a hypochondriac how they are feeling.

I’m still hip-deep in the middle of my Migration: Beginnings rewrite, though I’m chugging along quite well after a quite productive weekend.  I’m almost at 75% complete in the initial rewrite, which is just taking the book from present tense to past tense.  But after that is complete, I’ll be doing a little more tweaking – making Rhys a little more angsty, as well as applying certain things from “Take Off Your Pants” like end of chapter tweaks.

And I’ve got to finish it sometime soon because once that’s done and off my plate, it will still be full!  This is just a sample:

  • Prequel book to Migration: Beginnings, to offer free for folks new to the series
  • The second and third books in the Migration: Beginnings series
  • Four short stories, each 5,000 to 25,000 words, for a book I’m co-writing with my “Million Miles Amok” co-writer Lisa Witte.
  • Prequel and the first book in a male/male erotica series

Hundreds of thousands of words are planned in dozens of stories, just waiting to be written!

When Writing IS Your Business

I’m at a point in my career where I get a chance to write, but it’s not my primary job.  I’d love it to be; get up in the morning, spend a few hours writing, have some time to do marketing and just fun interactive stuff with writers and readers, and then a few more hours of writing.  But that’s just not the case right now.  My primary job is in Medical Information Technology, and I truly love it.  But one day…

Thing is, Boo and I are going to India in August.  Since we’re on the US West Coast, we’ve got multiple looooong flights (14 hours SEA to DXB, 4 hours DXB to BOM, 8 hours BOM to LHR, and 10 hours LHR to SEA) that would be perfect for getting quite a bit of writing done.  Especially since I think August is a Camp NaNo month?  Or maybe that’s July…  Anyway, when you get paid to write, you cherish any time that you can spend on your craft.  So it’s hard to read that the iPad/laptop ban may be extended to more countries.  That means I might be able to travel with my laptop TO India, I wouldn’t be allowed to travel with it back to the United States.

We shall see what the fallout comes.  But here’s hoping it’s not an all-out ban, because that would suck even worse than sitting next to a screaming toddler that just filled their diaper for a fourteen-hour flight.